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Taxes on Gifts

Posted on: 23rd Dec, 2008 01:38 pm
Lets discuss for example:

The exempt taxable gift exemption raises to $13,000 in 2009. If you gift three items to one individual, ($9135 one car, $6275 on another car and $4275 in a recreational vehicle, for a total of $19,685), would it be tax exempted.

reading the IRS gift tax guidelines, you can exempt gift tax in 2009 $13,000 per item . I am not clear if it is $13,000 total to one individual, or $13,000 per item, regardless if the recipient is the same individual.

Please advise.

Hi eddahopkins!

Welcome to forums!

As far as I know, that annual gift tax exemption in 2009 will be $13,000. Thus, you can gift anyone anything within this amount, you will not be charged taxes. In case, this amount exceeds, you will be charged a gift tax.

"If you gift three items to one individual, ($9135 one car, $6275 on another car and $4275 in a recreational vehicle, for a total of $19,685), would it be tax exempted."
In this case, you will be charged a gift tax because the $13,000 amount is exceeded.

Feel free to ask if you have further queries.

Posted on: 23rd Dec, 2008 07:20 pm

you will have tax but you do not pay taxes because you can apply the tax an exemption to the $6,685 ($19,685-$13,000) against the $345,800 unified tax credit. Say, if the tax is $3000, then you will have available for future years $342,800 a balance of unified tax credit
Posted on: 24th Dec, 2008 06:49 am
Edda thanks for that info i was wondering about this too as my parents want to give me 50k gift for a down payment on a house. Any info on this?
Posted on: 23rd Feb, 2009 03:11 pm
Hi msnover!

Welcome back to forums!

As your parents are gifting you the money, they will be liable to pay gift taxes. However, transfer of gifts up to $13,000 per person per year is exempt from taxes. Apart from this, a lifetime gifting limit of $1,000,000 is also exempt from taxes.

Posted on: 23rd Feb, 2009 09:42 pm
Oh ok so i should be ok then correct? I would still have 950k left? If not can my parents just give me the cash in person and i deposit it in the bank?
Posted on: 24th Feb, 2009 07:13 am
They can definitely give you the loan in person. But as far as the taxes are concerned, consult a tax adviser regarding this.
Posted on: 24th Feb, 2009 09:50 pm
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