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what are the credit guidelines for a mobile home refinance with cash out in texas

Posted on: 01st Apr, 2009 09:32 pm
what are the credit guidelines for a mobile home refinance with cash out in texas...i am in need of cash , and i own a mobile home on my own property in texas. i have some equity in the home, and needed to know what type of credit is needed to get a refinancing with cash out. thanks so much
Hi sberger

Cash out loans in Texas have strictest guidelines. Homestead owner-occupied properties can have an LTV no higher than 80%. Moreover the homeowner must have a 12-day waiting period before closing.

You can contact your current lender and check out whether you qualify for the loan or not. You can also speak to other lenders and see the kind of rates and terms they are offering you. This will help you in selecting the loan which you will be able to afford.

You can also speak to the lenders of this community and seek a no obligation free consultation from them. This will also give you an idea about the type of rates and terms you would receive when you apply for a loan.

Posted on: 02nd Apr, 2009 03:05 am
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