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Forcing a lender to repossess a mobile home in texas

Posted on: 26th Aug, 2010 07:29 pm

My B-in-law has already received the certified notice that payments will be accelerated over a month ago and they've moved all their stuff out of the MH and the lender has placed a "For Sale" sign in the window. My B-in-Law filed bankruptcy years back and we know that the lender cant sue him for difference. A few MH movers have been to look at the home and we've received word from the lender that the quotes that they've received to move the home are to high and that they're not going to use them. We've given the lender written notice that all items have been removed from the home back around the 1st of July and that it needed to be moved out by July 23rd. This mobile home sits on my land and i believe that the MH is treated as personal property since he did not finance it with land. What can i legally do to accelerate the lender in repossessing this home in order to get it off my land? I feel that they are trying to buy some time to sell it on my property. Can i charge them a daily rate for keeping on my property? Help!
Welcome james,

You should immediately contact the lender and ask them to move the property asap as the land is yours. If they don't remove the property, you might be able to charge them a rent. You can contact an attorney in order to find out if you can take any legal actions against them.
Posted on: 26th Aug, 2010 09:51 pm
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