Posted on: 21st Oct, 2009 11:15 pm
I am in Tx. I am having trouble understanding Medicaid penalties for transfer of funds. Does a penalty mean you have to do private pay for the length of time or that you can't enter the nursing home until so many months are up? ( Such as 6 month penalty. Do we have to pay for six months and can't put mom in N.H. UNTIL we pay for six months, or is she just not eligible and can't go in before six months have expired)? I always assumed it meant if you were penalized 6 months, you had to wait that 6 months to be eligible.
As far as I know, a 6 months medicaid penalty means that your mother is not eligible to receive any medicaid benefits for the 6 months. Once the 6 months have passed, she would receive the benefits of medicaid. Meanwhile if she requires medical assistance, then she will have to pay for it.
Thank you. But I don't know if that means she has to pay private pay for first six months in N.H. or if they just make her wait six months before she can go in. I believe you're telling me she would just have to wait, but not pay anything, before she can go into N.H. Is that correct? Thank you.
Yes, she will be ineligible for the Medicaid benefits and will have to wait until the penalty period is over.
>>Is that correct?
Every facility that offers Medicaid has somebody on staff that's able to answer Medicare related questions. Make an appointment with her at the facility your Mother is in, or one you'd like her to be in, and it'll be time well spent.
Every facility that offers Medicaid has somebody on staff that's able to answer Medicare related questions. Make an appointment with her at the facility your Mother is in, or one you'd like her to be in, and it'll be time well spent.