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Ex-husbands and Payoffs

Ex-husbands and Payoffs

In Indiana, I have married a woman who has failed in a workaround with Wells Fargo, so now our residence is now in foreclosure with a sheriffs sale in 5 weeks. I am approved for mortgage and willing to purchase home from wife and her ex-husband of 5 years, except he doesn't wish to sign a quit claim deed. Legal costs have also been accumulating for wife on top of payoff...
How best to deal with ex-husband...? Would I be responsible for her legal fees above the principal..?
What is best way to handle the entire problem...?
Thank You

ocean1264's picture

1 Answers

Most lenders do not allow a non arms length transaction meaning the seller and buyer cannot be related, or married.

Anonymous | Asked on 2011-09-27

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