I am on deed but not on mortga
I am on deed but not on mortga
I am on deed but not on mortgage. I have mortgage commitment from Gateway but it is contingent on me getting off deed or getting judge to change property settlement agreement to hold me harmless. Only, the mortgage "commitment" ends January 13th and I couldn't get on a court docket for at least 6-8 weeks to amend property settlement agreement! I am looking at loosing a perfect place that took almost a year to find. It is a 1/4 mile from my ex and my 6 y/o son. My ex will not deed me out because she does not want to give me more overnights with my son. It will take child support away from her based on the tables of how much time is spent with child. Disgusting, yes. So my question is; Is there any other way that I can make this thing happen without my ex wifes signature on an amended deed? I am being held hostage yet again and all I want to do is spend more time with me son