My daughter purchased a duplex after being in a car accident in 2005 with t

My daughter purchased a duplex after being in a car accident in 2005 with t
My daughter purchased a duplex after being in a car accident in 2005 with the intent of living in one side and giving me the other. We filled out a quit claim deed and filed it with the clerk not realizing that the property was considered one since the land was never surveyed and divided. Anyway, this made me the sole owner but once we realized what had happened I signed it back to her and my other daughter that lives with me in our side so if God forbid anything happen to me she would have a place to live. Now here we are in 2011 and my daughter is living on her side after moving out for a bit, she has a new boyfriend and now she is wanting to sell the duplex, I told her she can sell her side but I plan on keeping mine as I live on disability and my daughter has a six month old baby. Emily is telling me we have thirty days to move and that they can have Sara's name removed from the deed without her even going to court! HELP because I have no idea if this is true and I really don't want to be homeless.