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My sister is 66 years old. Her

My sister is 66 years old. Her

My sister is 66 years old. Her husband is 55 years old. She had purchased a manufactured home 7 months prior to their marriage in 1999 at 12% interest because of her poor credit score. In 2001 she talked him into refinancing the mortgage in his name only and gave him a quit claim title to the house. The new mortgage company would not give her a loan or even let her co-sign because of years of poor credit rating. Her hasband has excellent credit and got a loan for 6.075%.
She filed for divorce after 10 years and 1 month in August 2009. Her attorney has been insisting the husband has to give her a quit claim deed of title to the house and allow her to make payments on his mortgage loan.
He is not willing to give her title to the house because she would own the home while he is still obligated to the bank for the loan. My sister has not been able to get a lender to give her a mortgge loan during the last 16 months that they have ben separated. My sister is a great risk. I agree with her husband. Both of us are afraid she will not make payments to the mortgage company on time or will even stop making payments. We are aware that the bank would come after him for the mortgage payments.
Her husband has been making payments on his mortgage for the last 16 months while she has been living rent free in the house.
They are scheduled to go to trial on Jan 26th which is 9 days from now. My question to you is....Can the judge force him to give his wife a quit claim deed of title on the home under these circumstances?
I wish I would have gotten on the internet soon and found you then but I never thought about it until this week.
Can you please email me as soon as possible with an answer? Time is flying.
Thank you

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Anonymous (not verified)

1 Answers

Hi Guest! Welcome to forums! After judging the whole situation, if the judge feels that your sister should get the property, then he will force the husband to sign a quitclaim deed in your sister's favor. Sussane

smith.sussane | Asked on 2011-11-02

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