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in Montana who pays back taxes on a repo mobil home

in Montana who pays back taxes on a repo mobil home

bank repo mobile home and auctioned it. A woman bought it but, when she came to move it off our land she saw it was on a foundation and didn't want it. We were not the owners of it but, we do own the ranch land it's on. The owner of the mobile home contacted the lady who bought it and bought it back from her. Then he up and left 8yrs ago right after getting it back. The taxes had not been paid on it since 2000, so there were taxes owed when it was auctioned. I have tried to locate the title to see who owns it now and if there is a lien on it but, no luck. The county came and looked at it and found it unlivable and decreased the yearly taxes. We can't move it or take it down until the back taxes are paid they said. So who has to pay the taxes? Is there anything we can do? I don't even know who owns it . I don't think the title was ever recorded after it got repo. The bank that had it was bought out by another bank. No one wants to pay the taxes as its over $28,000. and the mobile is not worth it or the cost to move it off our land is too much. Who do I need to contact? Please help me as I've worked on this for 4 yrs. It's in Cascade county in Montana.

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Anonymous (not verified)

1 Answers

Are the taxes on the home or the land - if it is on the land you are in trouble if it is on the home tell them to take it - it isnt yours - of course they wont it is worthless to them - I would hire a RE atty at least for a consult - let them do some research and see what your options are  Good Luck Brian Barnes Mortgage Lender all 50 states

brian1 | Asked on 2015-10-02

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