
Should you empty your savings for buying a house?

Should you empty your savings for buying a house?

Your savings are your assets. They are also counted to be investments at times, as the money you put down in your savings, grows on interest periodically.

So the big question for today is, should you drain out your savings while buying a house?

Any layman would readily say “why not”? But a sensible man would advise not to compromise savings while buying a new home!

80-10-10 loan or piggyback mortgage – Things you need to know being a new home buyer

You’ll get to know the term “80-10-10 loan” when you deal with a mortgage broker or start shopping for a home. This loan is also popular as a piggyback loan and made by combining more than one loans. 80-10-10 loan is customized to help its consumers so that they can save bigger.

New reverse mortgage rules for 2018 you need to know!

New reverse mortgage rules for 2018 you need to know!

Reverse mortgage rules have changed, and it’s actually going to affect your borrowing situations.

Senior citizens find the reverse mortgage to be a big relief in their lonesome and financially unstable days of retirement.

You own a big house but have no one to take care of the property. Your children live in some other states or abroad, and you are left here with your caring spouse, with both breathing in each other’s arms.

Mortgage market updates as of 2018 you need to be aware of!

Mortgage market updates as of 2018 you need to be aware of!

With the new tax law enacted in 2018, the mortgage market is seeing some change.

The one liner is, as of 2018, you can only deduct mortgage interests on the first $750,000 of your acquisition debt while filing your taxes.

Previously, this limit was up to the first $1million of your acquisition debt.

But in this post, I am not quite interested in how the new tax law is going to affect the mortgage interest deductions or who is going to benefit and how.

Mortgage facts 2018 - How can you remove your name from a mortgage?

Mortgage facts 2018 - How can you remove your name from a mortgage?

Most of the time mortgages on properties are listed in the names of two people. But there are people who want to revoke their names from the mortgage due to different reasons. This issue may appear at the time of a divorce, or when legal partners are separating their ways from a partnership, etc.

Removing names from a mortgage contract require fulfilling specific conditions.

So, as an individual, you should know the ways you can remove your name from a mortgage.

Why is it difficult to get hold of small mortgages?

Why is it difficult to get hold of small mortgages?

Why is it difficult to get hold of small mortgages?

People have many questions related to mortgage.

The most common ones are:

  • How much down payment for what amount of loan.
  • What happens if they can’t repay back their mortgage loan.
  • How joint mortgage works.
  • And why is it difficult to get hold of a small mortgage.
Housing and mortgage trends of 2018 - What buyers can expect

Housing and mortgage trends of 2018 - What buyers can expect

For mortgage and housing industry, 2017 was quite a year! Home prices were high, but, we can’t ignore the possibilities and developments we would get this year in the wide U.S. housing industry.

2018 might get rough toward home buyers, especially the first-time homebuyers. Here are a few housing and mortgage trends of 2018 that buyers can expect.

Know better how joint mortgage and joint ownership differ!

Know better how joint mortgage and joint ownership differ!

Know better how joint mortgage and joint ownership differ!

Mortgage itself is a very critical subject to understand.

People have to go through and consider many scenarios before applying for a mortgage. Probably the first of them is qualifying for a mortgage loan.

As credit scores, assets, and many other things are reviewed in taking out a mortgage, many believe that adding a co-signer or applying jointly for a mortgage might make things a lot smoother.

But that’s not always the case.

Junior Mortgage – An overview for all borrowers

Junior Mortgage – An overview for all borrowers

Junior Mortgage – An overview for all borrowers

A small mortgage, which is subordinate to a first or prior (senior) mortgage, is called a junior mortgage. A junior mortgage often refers to a second mortgage, but a third or fourth mortgage is also considered as a junior mortgage.

This loan is secured by the home equity you have in a house. Your home equity would be the value of the house less the balance you owe on the first mortgage (or in some cases, the preceding mortgage).

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