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Mobile home foreclosures or repossession - What next?

Posted on: 02nd Jan, 2006 02:11 am
My investor who wants to repossess my home is constantly harassing me. But I am still current on my mortgage payments. If we don't pay an insurance payment and miss any property tax, they say that they will be taking our home. I am currently staying in a mobile home park. Can you tell me, if I apply to HUD will they help us pay off the loan and move into some other place?
Welcome Jan,

Your lender will not be able to garnish your social security income or your pension.
Posted on: 23rd Aug, 2010 01:06 am
i have a house and mobile home iam giving back mobile home my wife kost her jon and i cant afford both i plan on getting my ss when i turn 66 in dec but i will still work can they take my ss or can i make payments to pay off difference we tried to sell mobile home for 4 months but no buyers thanks foe any help i have a mortage onhouse also
Posted on: 05th Sep, 2010 07:02 am
Welcome Thomas,

Though your mobile home is repossessed, the lender will not be able to come after your social security income.
Posted on: 06th Sep, 2010 12:35 am
I own a manufactured home in a mobile home park owned by a co-op.

Is there a lender that would consider a loan in this situation?

Thank You
Posted on: 15th Sep, 2010 02:22 pm
Posted on: 16th Sep, 2010 12:49 am
got behind in payments, home was repossed, years ago, heard nothing, got a letter saying i owed over $6,000 and they are in procedure of garnishing my wages. when the debit is paid off, then should't I get the mobile home back because in the end i paid off the loan.
Posted on: 06th Oct, 2010 11:07 am
Hi Linda!

Welcome to forums!

Once the home is repossessed, you will not be able to get it back. The money that you'll be paying now will be the deficient balance resulting from the sale of the property.

Feel free to ask if you've further queries.

Posted on: 07th Oct, 2010 12:30 am
i just got a call that i will be getting served with paper work for my repod mobile home. i would like to know if they want the money owed after the sale will i have to pay it all at once or can i make payments to the bank
Posted on: 12th Oct, 2010 08:57 am
Hi craig,

You will have to pay off the deficient balance at once. However, if you're unable to do so, then you should contact your lender and request for a payment plan. If the lender gives you a payment plan, then you'll have to pay off the dues according to that plan.

Take care.
Posted on: 13th Oct, 2010 01:49 am
Hi. How much time do a person, before a mobile home is repossessed? For an example, if I havent made my payments in 3 months, can they take the mobile home immediately?
Posted on: 13th Oct, 2010 03:34 pm
Hi Michelle,

Your query has been replied to in the given page:

Take a look at it. Hope it helps you.

Posted on: 14th Oct, 2010 12:41 am
been paying on it since 2002. interest rate 12.5 or13.5 cant read the papers.
Father in law went and grabed this just so we would have aplace to live .My husband was laid off in 2002,i had to quit work 2 years earlier. 2005 son had a sever car accident,in a severe coma for 3 monthes and was sent home because it was uo to God if he lived or died. Thank God after years of fighting him to not take is life he is going toJSU a 4 year state school. all of us are disabled now. we have been thru so much,trying to keep this trailor,been looking at hud, Any ideia,s one payment behind,and need better insurance. Also, Vanderbuilt is trying to sell hud ,interest rste 7% staay away from them,we cant get away!
Posted on: 18th Oct, 2010 01:07 am
I purchased a dw ten years ago , my mom signed for it , i own the land , i had been thru bankruptcy so i could not buy , now im purchasing a house closer to work , my credit is good , the interest rate on the simple interest loan is at 12 percent , tried to re-fiance for better rate , no one will buy , cant go fha cause house sits on dirt , no slab , im in texas , would refi but have had no luck , thay all want land as calaterail , and slab , am thinking of letting go house cause ammurzation statement shows in 30 years i will still owe 29 k on a 63 k balance now , would keep house but looks like i will never own it ! have to move 50 miles into town to keep job , what are my reprucions for me and mom , house is solely in her name , she owns a house and has retired with retirement 401 k in bank , can they go after her ? or house ? please help , cannot find any answers no where
Posted on: 02nd Nov, 2010 08:15 am
Hi joe,

The lender will go after the person who owns the mortgage in order to recover the dues if you walk away from the property. As your mother's name is only mentioned on the property deed, her credit won't be affected and the lender won't go after her retirement savings. If your name is mentioned on the mortgage docs, the lender will come after you to recover the balance dues.

Posted on: 03rd Nov, 2010 12:18 am
Posted on: 03rd Nov, 2010 03:24 pm
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