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has anybody heard of central park financial services?

Posted on: 21st Apr, 2010 12:35 pm
They contacted my husband about a home loan claiming to be based out of new york. I can't find any info about them on the web. The person my husband spoke gave my husband this website to check out "" which doesn't provide too much info. My husband filled out something on lending tree about a month ago, that's how this person got our information. He told my husband that he was approved for a 12 yr. fixed 100,000 loan, which when you do the math with interest comes out to almost 150,000 US dollars. My instinct is giving off bad vibes about this situation....he also said that the down payment would be 4000 and that they don't take payments by phone. He said we could either wetsern union or send the payment by cashiers check. He also said that they work with several different lenders to find you a loan. I am going to call this person back and speak with him myself, because this doesn't sound right to me. He also called from an unknown number but he did leave an 800- number plus ext for us to call back.
Me and my hubby are first time home buyers and we don't want to get scammed by anyone. I probably won't even bother calling him back because i'm not cormfortable with this at all.

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Has anyone been able to get in contact with them? recently? I've been waiting over a week for my money and today the customer service doesn't answer tried extension 373 who I talked to this morning and just tried the same extension and now it doesn't even say the persons name it just goes right to leave a message or page options.
Posted on: 11th May, 2010 01:00 pm
I'm prayerful that someone is reading this thread and learning that it's not worthwhile to try to take advantage of whatever this crazy offer is that they're peddling.
Posted on: 11th May, 2010 01:12 pm
Hi George,
Do you have any suggestion as to what I can do? I really need my I was desperate and was being hopeful I gave them 1500 and now account because of them is negative and I fee's around the figure of 600. Do you know any one that can help? even if it's a loan? My credit unfortunaly is hored.
Posted on: 11th May, 2010 03:25 pm
Yeah i did the same sent 1,000 for a 5,000 loan and i got a call back that i needed to send another 1,000 to get the loan i told them i dint want the loan anymore and i wanted my refund. I was told i would only get my refund on may 20th.
Posted on: 17th May, 2010 09:58 am
Well I guess there goes that refund, website is down and telephone out.
Posted on: 20th May, 2010 10:39 pm
The girlfriend and I feels everyones frustrations. We could have really used that money and now we are $1500 deeper in the hole. Thanks to whoever these people are. It's okay though, lesson learned. We'll all get back on our feet soon. You have our prayers.
Posted on: 24th May, 2010 08:20 am
I guess I can't get my head around the thought that it's appropriate to send money (large sums) to someone in order to obtain a loan from that someone (read "company").

This situation is so easily seen through (I'd think) that it's most puzzling to figure out where anyone would choose to believe.
Posted on: 27th May, 2010 08:01 am
It may be easily seen through by somebody that is a credit and lending consultant. But for us whom got scammed it wasn't. We are all in need of help that we unfortunately can not seem to get. We got scammed and it is a very sad deal some peoples lives counted on that money!
Posted on: 02nd Jun, 2010 04:57 pm
I understand, Guest, that you don't have the background and accumulation of knowledge that I have. I don't mean to be critical of those who, in their naivete, have sent sums of money in order to obtain a loan.

Unfortunately, these scams have been around for years. It's truly a fault of our educational system in this nation, I'm afraid. If we would only educate our youth in the ways of finance, money, etc. then these things wouldn't proliferate as they do.

Common sense tells me not to send money in order to get money, but then again, as you noted, I've got the experience necessary to see through some of these operations.

I don't know if, and when, our schools will begin to give practical lessons - of course they've been doing it forever, what with home economics, typing, etcl. We ought to know by now that we can't leave it up to parents (who also bought into plenty of scams) to teach their children.
Posted on: 03rd Jun, 2010 07:59 am
It's a total scam, run away while you still can. People like these are predators.
Posted on: 26th Jan, 2011 05:09 pm
What if you get approved for a modification and it is still close to 50% of your gross income. We have been trying to work With BofA countrywide for some time now and have a first and second with them. The first is modified permanantly, the second is in the works.
Was afraid of getting forclosed so accepted the deal after repeatedly trying to draw attention to the 50% of our income error.
Posted on: 29th May, 2012 08:50 am
Hi Guest,

A query similar to yours has been answered in the given page: . Please take a look at it. I hope it will help you.
Posted on: 30th May, 2012 12:52 am
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