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Get someone off the title of a house

Posted on: 29th Jul, 2008 09:37 am
My daughter was living with a man for 10 years. They bought a house together. Both their names are on it. They broke up, he does not want the house. How does she get him off the taxes & the mortgage.
she will need to refinance the mortgage into her name and they can do a quit claim deed to remove his name from title.
Posted on: 29th Jul, 2008 02:27 pm
How do we get our 'partner' off the title to our property if he won't sign a quit claim? He's on the title but not on the mortgage?
Posted on: 12th Aug, 2008 09:58 am
Hi jay jones,

To get your partner off the title, first of all you need to sign on a quitclaim deed. Depending upon the state you are in, the partner may or may not sign on the quitclaim deed. However, if at all your partner is not willing to co-operate with you, try filing a partition lawsuit for a forced sale of the home.

Take Care
Posted on: 16th Aug, 2008 05:55 am
My son put me on title of his condo incase something happens to him. I'm not on the mortgage. Can I get off title and not be responbile for this property?
Posted on: 30th Sep, 2008 01:09 pm
Hi elaine!

Welcome to the Forums!

If you are not on the mortgage, then you can simply sign a quitclaim deed in your son's name and get off the title.

Feel free to ask if you have further queries.

Posted on: 30th Sep, 2008 11:32 pm
i was engaged to be married we had a date set and bought a house together. i love the house and always wanted to live there- it happens to be next door to my mothers. both our names are on the house and the mortgage. two weeks after signing all those papers he lost his job and i caught him cheating. we broke it off and now im stuck. for the past two years ive been living with a man i cant stand. he wont leave and doesnt contribute toward the mortgage or any other bills at all. i do not wish to sell the house. how do i get him to leave, get his name off the mortgage and title and keep the house of my dreams.
Posted on: 24th Oct, 2008 01:55 am
Hi bernice!

You will have to ask that person to quitclaim the property to you. Once the property is in your name, you can refinance it and transfer the mortgage in your name. This will help you to remove him from the property and the mortgage and also save the house.

Posted on: 24th Oct, 2008 02:46 am
I have a friend that lives with his girlfriend, both there names are on the house. They broke up & he wants his name off. Is there an easy way to do it?
Posted on: 23rd Nov, 2008 09:23 pm
Hi Summer!

He can sign a quitclaim deed in the name of his girlfriend and transfer the property in her name. Then his girlfriend can notarize and record the deed at the county recorder's office.

However, your friend should remember that this will not transfer the mortgage liabilities to his girlfriend. If his name is on the mortgage, then after transferring the property, your friend should ask his girlfriend to refinance it.


Posted on: 24th Nov, 2008 01:09 am
my ex and i are on title to my home. he passed away and i want to put the title in my name. how do i do this
Posted on: 07th Jan, 2009 02:59 pm
Hi yvette,

You will have to file the death certificate of your ex in the county recorder's office and get the title transferred in your name. But if your ex has left a will, then it will be probated and the property will be distributed accordingly.
Posted on: 08th Jan, 2009 12:15 am
I bought a house with my children father and he was incaserated for abusin me. how do i get him off the deed :cry:
Posted on: 13th Jan, 2009 09:18 am
Hey trish,

You will have to ask him to sign a quitclaim deed in your name. Once this is done, you will have to notarize it and record it at the county recorder's office.
Posted on: 13th Jan, 2009 11:24 pm
I've got a situation with a family member - she owns a house that is currently in foreclosure. A good friend of hers co-signed for the mortgage and was added as a joint tenant to the title. She can only refinance (through a reverse mortgage) if her friend is removed from the title. Can she remove him from the title even though they are both on the mortgage?

Thanks for the help!
Posted on: 11th Feb, 2009 02:51 pm
Hi Jane,

She can remove him from the title with the help of a quitclaim deed and then refinance the property with a reverse mortgage. If she has a good credit score, I don't think she should face any problem in refinancing.

Posted on: 13th Feb, 2009 02:19 am
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